Answer from the text of The Model Millionaire by Oscar Wilde

2. What are the main ideas of these paragraph ?
1. Paragraph 1 = A decription of Hughie erskine
2. Paragraph 2 = Hugh's love story with Laura
3. Paragraph 3 = visit to alan trevor's house
4. Paragraph 4 = Alan told Hughic ​​about the old beggar and how Hugh's expression was
5. Paragraph  5 = a surprise from Baron Hausberg came
6. Paragraph 6 = alan's comments about the millionaire model

3. Mach the words is the left coloumn with the phrasesin the      coloumn
1. Laura merron     = the girl thst hughie loved very much
2. Alan trevor         = A famous painter, Hughie’s closest friend
3. Baron Hausberg = One of the richest gentlemen in europe
4. The Palette Cub = a meeting  place where alan and Hughie usually met
5. Colonel Merton = A retired colonel, Laura’s father

4. Answer the following questions.
A. He was painting with a beggar as his model.
B. He gave him a sovereign.
C. He was actually Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men in Europe.
D. No, he wasn't. he was embarrased.
E. 10,000 pounds.
F. Get a wedding gift from a messenger Baron Hausberg
G. His father would not allow them to marry unless Hughie could give ten thousand pounds.
H. Because Alan had shared his personal life with Baron Hausberg
I. Hughie was very happy and didn't expect to be able to marry laura
J. Model jutawan cukup langka tetapi jutawan model masih lebih jarang.
