SDG"s Quality Education Learning Services on leadership


     Investigation: First, this program was created for one of the SDG'S goals on education which takes the theme of character education. Today I explained the material to several elementary school and junior high school students. Besides that, I made posters to be pasted on the information boards of local residents.

    As we know, for almost 1 year, we have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic which has greatly impacted all levels of society, especially education. But in this case I will not discuss covid 19 but one of the SDG'S goals, namely character education. So, during the pandemic, students did not understand what character education was due to online learning or other things. When schools go offline, students are explained what character education is, there are even organizations that teach character education. The program that I created aims to introduce character education about leadership to elementary school and junior high school students. Even in the program that I do, I give games to give a sense of happiness and pleasure.

    Preparation: For this reason, I created this socialization program hoping that students will understand character education in the surrounding environment. In addition, I give games that are not given at school. I prepare some materials that I will give to students and determine a schedule to start socializing outside of school hours.

    This socialization makes useful activities outside of school hours but in a limited face-to-face context and is attended by 5-8 students. But it's not just the socialization that I do, the second one is putting up posters on the citizen's announcement board that functions so that all residents can read.

    Action : According to the agreed schedule, on Sunday afternoon I started limited face-to-face socialization activities at home while still following health protocols. This socialization begins by explaining the leadership character education material that has not been understood. In addition, I also give games to students to make them fun and interesting.

    After the socialization, I put up a poster about leadership on the community bulletin board for everyone to read.


    Demonstration :With the publication of this blog, I hope readers can be motivated for students and teachers to carry out activities outside school hours that are useful and exciting. So that students can understand the material. Because by receiving education at school when online learning students' insight is lacking. Hopefully with this blog readers can get additional insights, open minds and knowledge gained will increase.



  1. Sherina Ayu/12 Mipa2/33
    good idea!,to add experience beyond school related matters we should find out more about more general things to increase our knowledge, I hope everyone can be motivated.

  2. Savitri Jayanti_32_XII Mipa 2

    Children's character education is very much used to help prepare children to face the many unknown opportunities and dangers that exist in today's society. This poster should also be posted on social media so that many people know what character education is and how character education should be.

  3. TiaSalsabila/XIIMIPA2/34
    I agree with you, online learning is currently less effective for students, especially elementary school students, where they need detailed and clear explanations in each lesson. Hopefully with this action you can motivate teachers to carry out activities outside of school with the aim that students can understand the material that has been given.

  4. Nonik Rismadini/XIIMIPA2/26
    great idea! your blog is very useful, people who read your blog can because it is to do activities outside of school that are useful and exciting in order to understand the material.

  5. Aloo Rizky, I'm Aniqotuz Zuhriyyah from Mipa 1'19
    I'm agree with your action in this situation. You give other things about education that are rarely taught since school activities are carried out from home. I also like the way you intersperse the game on the activity. By keeping them happy and not bored, it will make them relax and the material you provide is easy to understand.


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